Next: Wants
Up: Functional Requirements
Previous: Functional Requirements
- The library must be able to handle split meshes by indexing
matched faces between mesh partitions.
- During runtime the PPF must be able to make the following
decisions correctly:
- when to stop tracking particles on a partial mesh and send
particles frozen on a split surface to another domain
- how many particles to buffer before sending
- how often to perform checks whether or not to send buffered particles
- when to ask if another domain is ready to send particles
- how to handle load balancing if possible
- what to do if one domain ends up with too many particles to fit in memory
- Particles must be sent as efficiently as possible.
- particles should not be packaged with extra information for sending
- data should only be sent to nodes which require it, no broadcasts
- Particle transfers between nodes must be accurate.
- The library's interface must be intuitive and not dependent on a prior
knowledge in distributed computing.
Next: Wants
Up: Functional Requirements
Previous: Functional Requirements
Tue Apr 11 23:58:21 MST 2000