For the Control Panel:

Equivalence Partitioning

When selecting a desired color, use the slide bars to choose the variations of Red, Green and Blue.

Obviously there are many combinations of colors to test, therefore equivalence partitioning testing will be used to give a satisfactory result for proper use of the color selection. All boundaries will be tested along with a finite number of selections between the extremes. It is impossible to test beyond the defined boundaries. Tests will be conducted for each properties screen that utilize this color selection.

Boundary Value Analysis

For every Look-and-Feel property there is a properties screen that will be available for that item selected. Each of these items will be tested for correctness using Cause/Effect which will include Boundary testing. Most screens will have two color aspects, Background and Foreground. The Color boundaries are from 0 to 255 for Red, Green and Blue. Components also have a Fonts aspect, which have boundaries that are system dependent. The size of the font is defined within the Java Developers Kit for each font type. The font style will have the same boundaries regardless of what type is selected, for example, Bold, Italic, Bolditalic and Plain. These aspects are in all property screens except for the Menu properties. The menu items have only Font settings available to them.

Cause/Effect Analysis

Black box testing will generally consist of Cause/Effect analysis of the graphical user interface (GUI). This will consist of confirmations of inputs from the user to see if the Control Panel will perform the necessary tasks. The Control Panel will have a default properties screen with a drop down menu to change the other properties screens. It also displays the property screen which is selected through the menu bar.

The Control Panel will be tested for correct execution by the hot key placement in the application that it will be used in. In every property screen there will be three standard buttons, the OK, CANCEL, and APPLY button. After the user has made the desired changes they can ether select APPLY to see the changes without exiting the Control Panel or select CANCEL to not apply the changes and exit the Control Panel or select OK to apply the changes and exit the Control Panel. If changes are made in a properties screen but the user selects a new menu item from Look-and-Feel without hitting APPLY or OK, those changes will be discarded.

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