For the Translator:

First off the parser is of a nature that the input data is of a type does not lend itself to either the cases of Equivalence Partitioning or of Boundary Value Analysis. The reasoning behind this is that the data is either recognized by the translator (and thus translated) or it is not within the constraints of our parser and thus is not needed to be parsed.

On this note the Cause/Effect analysis can be addressed within this data context. Four test areas exist for the cause/effect data inputs and they are:

1.) Token is defined within the M_defs.h file as a M_Token.

2.) The token is used within the parser to process the file.

3.) The file exists and can have the proper import statements added.

4.) An eventHandler exists within the file and can have the Control Panel HotKey added to it.

This creates a series of four input-->output routines that have similar methods contained within each file to support the appropriate translation.

For the supported tokens:


Canvas M_Canvas

Checkbox M_Checkbox

ChoiceBox M_ChoiceBox

Panel M_Panel

Applet M_Applet

Dialog M_Dialog

Frame M_Frame

Label M_Label

List M_List

Scrollbar M_Scrollbar

TextArea M_TextArea

TextView M_TextView

MenuBar M_MenuBar

Menu M_Menu

MenuItem M_MenuItem

CheckboxMenuItem M_CheckboxMenuItem

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Document Index

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