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Smart Shopping Mobile Application

Have you ever gone down the wrong isle in the grocery store? Have you always wondered if other stores nearby have lower prices to make sure your getting the best deal? With Smart Shopping these problems are a thing of the past! Read more below to find out how!

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Project Description

Responsive grocery items mixed

Imagine you are going to your usual grocery store and need to pick up a few groceries for dinner. You shop at your usual store but you realize they have reorganized the entire store as well as prices across the store have increased. In addition you have no idea if there are any stores with lower prices or if every price went up. Lets recap all the issues faced here:

With all of these issues in mind we here at Gnosis Solutions have derived a solution to all of the above problems with the use of a simple "Smart" shopping application that will revolutionize the way you shop! Keep reading to find out more.


In order to solve the problems stated previously our product Smart Shopping must have some key useful features to ensure the shopping experience is nothing less than amazing while using our application.

Cross Platform Mobile Application

Crowdsourcing data relys on as much data as possible so the more users that have our app the better the data and services will be.

Simple Shopping List

This application must, in addition to all it's super cool connected features, function as an easy to use shopping list application.

Crowdsourcing Data to Provide Services

Crowdsourcing data relys on as much data as possible so the more users that have our app the better the data and services will be.

Minimal Device Impact

While users are using our application we want them to have the best experience possible and want to reduce or eliminate any negative impact resulting from using our phone.


With all the problems and requirements in mind let us explain how our solution solves these problems and meets the requirements mentioned before to bring this awesome experience to the user!

While there are other solutions to some of the problems mentioned before there are key features that we implemented that set us apart from the rest:


Responsive schedule picture


Below are the tools we have used to accomplish this unique solution.

React Native JS

React Native JS is how we style and structure our application as it serves as the framework we develop and expand on.

Firebase Realtime Database

Firebase realtime database is how we are able to crowdsource all our user data in a fast, secure and efficent manner.


To facilitate source control and the sharing of code between very different platforms we chose to use a private GitHub repository.