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For our project will be creating a mobile application for exploring local ecosystem services of animals. This main reasons for building this app is a lack of awareness. Most people like animals because of their “pretty faces,” but most people don't know how that animal impacts the ecosystem they live in. This includes the services that animals provide their ecosystems, as well as understanding the changes that occur if a species goes extinct.

Another reason for the creation of this app is that although you might be able to find this information for currently living animals. There exists no app or website where you can view this information on animals that have gone extinct in the past 100,000 years. This is not only the areas that these animals lived in but how they impacted those environments both before and after extinction.

The final reason for this app is that even though you might be able to access this information, it is not easy for most people to understand. To get this info you have to take range map data from one place and apply mass based scaling equation to it which results in a number. Because of this, the average person won’t want to spend the time to find this out, mainly because you have to restart the process if you change anything.