Welcome to Team Cloud Connect
Project Discription:
The project proposed here is aimed at improving the capability of SkyTouch Hotel OS® to access and manage the many varied hardware subsystems installed in today’s modern hotels. While some of these subsystems support modern TCP/IP-based communication, there are still many that rely on legacy RS-232 serial port connections to send and receive information. To address this challenge,current solutions require custom software to be physically hosted at a hotel to handle legacy communication. Developing custom software tailored to each hotel is costly to create, and even more costly to maintain over time.

For this project, team members will create a solution to proxy serial and TCP/IP based protocols to the cloud (AWS) eliminating the need for a custom application to be deployed within each hotel (see Figure 1). It is envisioned that this solution would leverage an off-the-shelf terminal server to pass the device-specific serial protocols over raw TCP/IP sockets to an application hosted within AWS (Device Proxy); although the project team is free to explore any and all alternatives to this approach. The proxy application would replace the custom software that is currently deployed on- premises at each hotel and would need to support communication with thousands of devices housed at thousands of hotels.