Patrick Kelley

Team Role(s): Team Leader
Team Contact
Design Lead
Phone: (928) 699-7455
Resume (.docx)
Profile (.docx)
Education: Pursuing B.S. Computer Science, 2011, Northern Arizona University
I was born in a humble log cabin that I built myself in the deep snows of California … just kidding.
Pat Kelley was born in San Jose, CA in 1959. He attended school there and in Purvis, MS, graduating in 1977 with an honors scholarship to the University of Southern Mississippi. However, college did not hold his interest so he returned to Silicon Valley and found work at ROLM Telecommunications. Shortly afterward, IBM purchased ROLM and Pat transferred to IBM as an associate programmer. After ten years he became a fully vested IBM employee but took an early retirement buyout to pursue other interests. After contracting for a year, he took some classes at San Jose City College and earned his pilot's license at Sierra Academy of Aeronautics at Oakland, CA.
His wife, Judith, was accepted to University of Michigan Medical School and he spent four years with her in Ann Arbor, working for a nearby cargo airline first as a database programmer and then as a networking and web specialist. Then he followed his wife to Chicago, where she would do her residency at the University of Chicago Hospitals and he would work for the University's Anesthesia department as a tech and network administrator. With Judith's education complete, they moved to Flagstaff where she became a partner in the local anesthesia group, Forest Country Anesthesia, and he took the opportunity to go to school and earn the degree he had bypassed so long ago.
Pat also pursues his other interests as his time permits. He has built one aircraft, a Van's RV-6A, and is currently building another, a Van's RV-10. He is active with the Experimental Aviation Association and is secretary and webmaster of the local chapter. He also pursues his musical interests as a bassist and guitar player. His longtime love of motorcycles continues and he is often seen on his custom '68 HD chopper replica. Flagstaff has given him the opportunity to indulge his outdoor interests and he hikes, shoots, and has experimented with kayaking. Pat enjoys reading, especially Sci-Fi, movies, Japanese culture, and video games. He is currently owned by two cats.