Jacob Williams
Team Role(s): Documentation Lead
Email: jew69@nau.edu
Phone: (928) 451-4026
Resume (.docx)
Profile (.docx)
Education: Pursuing B.S. Computer Science, 2011, Northern Arizona University
Note: Since Jacob was physically (emotionally? sexually?) unable to produce a biography for the website, Kyle the Webmaster has provided this fictional one.
Jacob Williams, born 1586, is the devil spawn of Angelina Jolie's third adopted child and Alf. Part demon chipmunk, part unicorn, Jacob wanders the Flagstaff wilderness in search of his preferred sustenance: tuna. Not being able to find tuna in the wild around Flagstaff and tired of selling his body to that end, Jacob eventually discovered that computer scientists tend to eat canned tuna for the quick hit of protein during all-night programming binges. So, in 2006, Jacob registered for classes at Northern Arizona University with a major in Computer Science.