Saguaro Trailhead Parking Lot
The design of the Saguaro Trailhead Parking lot has the goal of revamping the site to make it easier for vehicles to use and to allow more parking for the growing number of visitors. With designing the expansion of the parking lot many things had to be considered. Some of these things include the geometry of the site, the geology of the site, hydrology, and hydraulics of the site and the many Code considerations that come into play when working within an area like a national park. In total, the development of this site makes it so that many more visitors can enjoy the Saguaro National Forest without disturbing any of its beauty.
The Team

Project Manager/Documentation Manager
Andrew Sanchez
Civil Engineering Major

Scheduler and Drafter/Traffics operations manager
Kade Larsen
Civil Engineering Major

Designer and Hydrologic Analysis
Noah Garcia
Civil Engineering Major

Client Contact and Team Planning
Scott Sally
Civil Engineering Major
Photos credited to each team member

Technical Advisor
Dr. Chun-Hsing Jun Ho

Rich Goepfrich
All photos credited to each of the individuals listed

Grading Instructor
Jeffrey Leonard Heiderscheidt
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