mold. For our mold we used Styrofoam for housing insulation. There are some extra sheets in the
back room of the farm. Then we cut away the paper and the mold to the desired shape. This is what
tattoo artists do when they sketch a design on your skin—print out the design, place it on the skin,
trace the lines on the paper, remove the paper and then start inking on the traced lines. Maybe they
have more modern methods to do this, and I can be totally wrong, but you get the idea.
Once our cross sections were cut out, we applied flex seal via a spray can. This is the first Lesson
Learned of this test, as it was a total failure. Whatever chemicals they use in the spray can and not
in the paint pale seems to dissolve foam. In the future, make sure to paint your flex seal on, DO
NOT spray it on. Otherwise, flex seal is a very effective and an easy barrier to apply to your foam
mold (to keep the concrete and the mold separate), and as a team we highly recommend using it.
Another method that may work is to shrink wrap your mold completely and use that as the
barrier—however, this is only effective with a male mold and not a female one.
When applying your concrete make sure to use tools. Never use your hands. Find people who are
familiar with a trowel as it is the best tool for finishing concrete. Pin rollers (like the ones they use
for making dough), are also a good tool for those not experienced enough to be comfortable with
trowels. Also make sure before placing your concrete you add your releasing agent. For our mini
canoe we used a LOT of Vaseline.
If using a female mold, you need to work your edges while the concrete is still wet. To do this, use
two trowels, one in each hand, and press a trowel vertically up against the edge and tilt it until you
get a gap that is the desired width of your canoe. Then, fill that gap with concrete and work it with
the trowel in your other hand. Go along the length of the canoe until all edges are properly finished.
Keep a spray bottle with you full of water and keep adding water to the edges so the concrete does
not dry too quickly. Be sure not to add too much water, just enough so that the surface is moist,
and you don’t have water evaporating out of the concrete.
When we removed the mini canoe, it was easily removed from the mold. However, the canoe was
covered in Vaseline. To remove the Vaseline, we rubbed dish soap on the canoe and washed it like
a car. This had to be done multiple times to get all the Vaseline off. Then we let the canoe dry for
multiple days. After the drying process, the canoe can be sanded and finished.
This was the final test that we conducted for our year and we hope that this document helps out
any team that reads it! As always feel free to contact anyone of us if your team has any questions.
Best of luck designing and building your concrete canoe and GO NAU!