The National Concrete Canoe Competition (NCCC) is an annual competition that calls upon engineering students apart of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to design and build a working canoe out of concrete. The goal of the competition is to “gain hands-on, practical experience and leadership skills by working with concrete mix designs and project management [1]”. This competition helps creates a strong student faculty bond as well allowing the students to ask clarifying questions to help strengthen their knowledge and understanding of concrete mix design. The 2020 Rules and Regulations break up the scoring into four different categories; Technical Proposal, Technical Presentation, Final Product Prototype and the Race Demonstration. The NCCC is broken up into 19 different regional conferences.
Northern Arizona University Branch of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Contact Carl Wilson, ASCE Chapter President - (
Mark Lamer - (
Stephan Henderson - - Civil Engineer - Hull Design Captain
Carl Wilson - - Civil Engineer - Structural Design Captain
Conrad Senior - - Civil Engineer - Mix Design Captain
Kristen Rasmussen - - Civil Engineer - Project Manager
Logan Grijalva - - Civil Engineer - QA/QC
Taylor Layland -
April 20th, 2020
Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC), California State University, Fullerton
Pacific Southwest Conference 2020 Rules and Regulations are attached below. These are the constraints that the canoe must follow.
PSWC 2020 Rules and Regulations
Due to COVID-19, Conference at Fullerton Was cancelled. The only item that was considered for placement was the Technical Report which is present in the Document Repository.
Northern Arizona Univeristy placed 9th Place out of 18 schools.
The Project Scope Tasks are provided within the attached link.
Project Scope Document
The canoe hull types that were considered was a "V" Shaped and a rounded bottom hull. The team decided to utilize the stability of the rounded hull shape for the final deisgn. the canoe was just under 18 feet in length with a width of 2 and a half feet, and a calculated weight of 160 lbs.
Shown Below is the Final Construction Plans for the 2019-2020 Concrete Canoe.
Stephan Henderson - - Hull Design Captain
Carl Wilson - - Structural Design Captain
Conrad Senior - - Mix Design Captain
Kristen Rasmussen - - Project Manager
Logan Grijalva - - QA/QC
[1] "National Concrete Canoe Competition," ASCE, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 September 2019].
"No matter how this semester ends, this team was a solid unit and it was a privilage to work besides every single person" -Stephan Henderson