Flagstaff LID Soil Design
This project follows Flagstaff LID Design Manural, a bio-retention basin soil matrix will be designed. Compared to native soil, this design will provide better infiltration rate, and storage capacity. The final design will be able to infiltrate first one inch stormwater runoff from all impervious area.
Client & Technical Advisor
The Client and Technical Advisor of this design project is Mark Lamer, PE, CECMEE instructor in Northern Arizona University.
Phone: 928-523-2300
Email: Mark.Lamer@nau.edu
Frank Di Fiore, Environmental Engineering, fd62@nau.edu
Rachel Pott, Civil Engineering, rcp52@nau.edu
Turki Alhamidi, Environmental Engineering, taa73@nau.edu
Zhonghan Zhang, Civil Engineering, zz67@nau.edu