“There are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”John Richardson

Together, let's make it happen


























































Last Update

May 11, 2016 10:50 PM


Museum of Northern Arizona Meadow Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project


The Museum of Northern Arizona has proposed a project to restore the riparian spring habitat closely surrounding Coyote Springs and to improve the accessibility for the residents of The Peaks. The Peaks is a senior community that houses senior citizens, some with disabilities. That being said, any proposed ramps and sidewalks must follow the 2010 ADA Guidelines, provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Museum hopes to promote plant diversity and preserve the cultural heritage sites while making the area more accessible for the senior community. Further technical considerations that will take place will include removing old concrete infrastructure and piping, increase the meandering channel and wet meadow habitat, and providing an environmentally appropriate trail to conduct on appropriate wetland vegetation land.



Dr.Larry Stevens

Director of the spring MNA

Technical Advisor

Wilbert Odem, Phd PE

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: Wilbert.Odem@nau.edu

Phone: (928) 523-4449


GreenGrey Team

Noor Alsadi
Environmental Engineering
Email: na385@nau.edu
Matthew Sorenson
Civil Engineering
Email: mjs459@nau.edu
Jasem Alrumaidheen
Civil Engineering
Email: ja899@nau.edu


Khaled Alazmi
Civil Engineering
Email: kaa292@nau.edu