Project Description

Project Title: Floodplain Analysis and Conceptual Levee Alignment along the Gila River
Locaton: Duncan, Arizona
Description: NAU Crown Engineering performed a floodplain analysis of a 3.5 mile reach of the Gila River in Duncan, Arizona. The project’s objective is to provide insight on Duncan’s current risk of flooding based on updated topography and revised 100 year flow conditions. In addition, a levee alignment was proposed and analysed to see its impact on the floodplain. All analyses was performed with HEC-RAS and Civil 3D software and can be expressed through three essential models:
1- Effective Model- Replication model of original floodplain evaluation that was performed in the area. In the case of Duncan, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), produced a series of floodplain studies that began in 1974 and were completed in 2007. Ultimately, the production of the effective model is to ensure that the initial floodplain study was correct and reproducible. The goal is to move beyond this model and create a modern version that is more reflective of new hydraulic/topographical conditions.
2- Corrected Effective Model- Using recent (2012) Lidar data of the area, an improved model of the study reach was developed. This model reflects how the Gila River currently behaves as opposed to the outdated effective model.
3- Proposed Conditions Model- Based on information provided from the Corrected Effective Model, a new hydraulic model was developed with the addition of a levee alignment. The goal of this model is to show the impact within the floodplain by assuming a levee placement with a specified height.
Client Name: Philip Ronnerud, P.E
Mr. Ronnerud serves as the Greenlee County Engineer, and is a former graduate of NAU. Mr. Ronnerud oversees engineering projects of Duncan, Arizona, and provided NAU with this capstone project.
Team Members
From left to right: Charles, Ahmad, Jennalise, and Abdulaziz
Photo Credit: NAU Crown Engineering
Name: Charlie Wilson
Bio: Phoenix, Arizona is where I was born and raised. I wanted a break from the hot temperatures of the Phoenix area, so I chose to earn my degree in civil engineering at Northern Arizona University. Since then, I have fallen in love with the cool temperatures and beautiful scenery of the Flagstaff area. Upon graduating, I would like to work in the fields of either transportation, water resources, or structural engineering. I like all of these fields in civil engineering and can’t wait to see what my future holds!
Major: Civil Engineering
Team Role: Project Manager
Phone: +1(602)-405-5420
Name: Jennalise Rapinchuk
Bio: I was born and raised in Plainfield, Illinois. My dad and I moved to Arizona after I graduated high school, and I chose to come to Northern Arizona University to earn a degree in civil engineering. After I graduate, I would like to find a career in structural engineering or construction management.
Major: Civil Engineering
Team Role: Project Engineer
Phone: +1(815)-693-0660
Name: Ahmad Alfallaji
Bio: My home is Kuwait but I came to the United States to pursue my dream of becoming an environmental engineer. After graduating in the fall of 2015, I intend to continue on to graduate school and study the fields of air quality, water quality, and geotechnical.
Major: Environmental Engineering
Team Role: Project Engineer
Phone: +1(928)-221-2683
Name: Abdulaziz Ebrahim
Bio: I was born and raised in Kuwait. After I finished high school, I got a scholarship from the Kuwaiti Government to earn a bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering in the United States. I moved to the United States in October of 2010 and spent my first year here studying English at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. I then moved to Northern Arizona University in 2012 to begin my undergraduate studies. My dream is to become a professional engineer.
Major: Environmental Engineering
Team Role: Project Engineer
Phone: +1(321)-368-7345
Client and Technical Advisor
Cilent: Philip Ronnerud, Greenlee County Engineer
Outside Advisor: Thomas R. Loomis, P.E., RLS, CFM, Hydrologist
Technical Advisor: Wilbert I. Odem, Jr., Ph.D., P.E.
Technical Advisor: Charles Shlinger, PHD, PE, PG, Associate Professor
Grading Instructor: Mark Lamer, P.E.
Grading Instructor: Bridget N. Bero, Ph.D., P.E. , Professor
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