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Traffic Signal Design
The team project is to redesign the intersection of E. Old Walnut Canyon Road and Country Club Drive on the East end of Flagstaff, AZ. The intersection is currently controlled by stop signs on the minor roads. The redesign will implace a traffic signal and a porkchop style pavement marking to mitigate sight distance issues and include lane changes to increase the effeciency of minor movements.
Team Members:
Joseph Davis-Team Leader
Email: jwd62@nau.edu, Major: Civil Engineering
Zach Crimmins-Project Manager
Email: zsc8@nau.edu, Major: Civil Engineering
Jordan Weyrauch-Analyst
Email: jw877@nau.edu, Major: Civil Engineering
Jace Elkins-CAD Drafter
Email: jre82@nau.edu, Major: Civil Engineering