Project Description
Clover Springs is a upland wetland and is a headwaters to the Verde Valley watershed. JDM Engineering will perform an evaluation of current conditions as well as a redesign of impaired sections.The team will perform a survey of existing conditions for both vegetation and physical features.
- The U.S. Forest Service is the primary sponsor of the project. The contact for the USFS is Richard Fleishman.
- A secondary stakeholder is the Northern Arizona University College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences. The study and design work were originally concieved by NAU personell. The contact information is Dr. Wilbert Odem.
JDM Team:
- Dillon Corrington- Undergraduate Civil Engineer NAU
- Mike Robinson- Undergraduate Civil Engineer NAU
- Jake Fleishman- Undergraduate Civil Engineer NAU
Techincal Advisor:
- Dr. Odem is the team's technical advisor, he was also the engineer in the 2001 design of the project.