(Source: Google Images - Hallmark Farmhouse)
The Nitrate Treatability Study (NTS) was funded by Bero Engineering LLC and was administered by the Environmental Engineering department at Northern Arizona University. This website gives an overview of the NTS project background, technology selection, synthetic water for experiments, scale up calculations, and recommended system configuration. The project shows the process of selecting a technology, applying the technology in a laboratory setting on a small scale, and providing recommended system configurations to meet the project constraints and criteria developed in the project proposal.
Problem Statement
Dr. Bridget Bero, The Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering program at Northern Arizona University has made a request for the study of nitrate removal technologies. The goal of the study is to select a nitrate treatment technology to treat groundwater for nitrate contamination in single family households in the United States of America who get drinking water from a contaminated aquifer via a well. Nitrate contaminated aquifers are common in areas where there is agricultural activity. Currently there are very limited options on the market for nitrate treatment systems for small scale applications.
The project will be considered a success if the following constraints and criteria are met.