Student Name: Alejandra Quesada

Major: Civil Engineering

Grade: Senior

Qualifications for this Project:

The team consists of many different roles in order to accomplish all the necessary tasks for this project.  This “team”, however, will only consist of one member.  Due to the nature of the fellowship, one student will be completing all roles. 
Alejandra Quesada was selected for this fellowship project due to her qualifications for the FHWA application.  This required her to hold a GPA of at least 3.0, be of Hispanic or Native American Descent, and be a U.S. citizen.  Aside from these qualities, she is hard-working student with the desire to further expand her knowledge of engineering.  She is dedicated and knows what it means to have plently of responsibilities due to large roles.  She currently holds the ASCE President position, and has held 2 other positions in the past.  She completed an internship for the San Diego Airport Authority and knows how to work efficiently and complete all tasks required of her. 

Roles during this Project:

This individual served the following roles throughout the course of this project: Senior Engineer, Construction Worker, Lab Technician, and Analyst.


Favorite Color: Teal

Favorite Animal: Giraffes

Hobbies: Drawing and making paintings