Gantt Chart and Scheduling
The following schedule depicts Pons Pontis Inc. proposed timeline for the City of Flagstaff FUTS Bridge project. The redline indicates the current date and progress of our company, whereas the blue line is the projected deadline for the finished project. The schedule is divided into six tasks with each having its own series of corresponding subtasks.
Internal Team Budgeting
The following staffing plan represents each of Pons Pontis Inc. tasks for the City of Flagstaff FUTS Bridge project at hand. Each of the six tasks has its own series of corresponding subtasks, with a couple of columns dedicated to the start date and deadlines for each task. The first “duration” column is a representation of how many hours will approximately go towards each task and subtask. The second “duration” column depicts the number of days between each start date and deadline date for that corresponding task. The materials and resources necessary for each task to be completed are listed, as well as the team member(s) who will complete and put forth the effort for each of the six tasks.