Warmhouse Beach Dump Remediation - Hydrological
Engineering Team
Bruno Ridolfi
Engineer, PE
Ridolfi Inc.
1011 Western Ave # 1006
WA 98104-1085
Steve Pendelton
Makah Indian Tribe
P.O. Box 115
Neah Bay, WA 98357
Team Name:
Warmhouse Beach Hydrological Engineering Team
Team Members:
Jeffrey Collins jdc237@nau.edu
Whitney Koester wik2@nau.edu
Kevin Davenport ktd7@nau.edu
Kirstie Englis ke252@nau.edu
From left: Kevin Davenport, Kirstie Englis, Whitney
Koester, Jeffrey Collins
Project Description:
goal of the Warmhouse Beach Hydrological Engineering Project is to mitigate the
transport of contaminants via the surface water and subsurface water migration
pathways that transport leachate contamination from the Warmhouse Beach Dump
into the surrounding environment. The engineering project work will include a
hydrological analysis of the site in order to determine the volume and rate of
leachate production by the Warmhouse Beach Dump as well as to determine the
amount of runoff that enters the dump from the uncontaminated slopes located
adjacent to the dump site. This analysis will consist of a
watershed delineation, a hydrological analysis of the Warmhouse Beach
Dump, and a hydrological evaluation to determine the runoff and leachate
production volumes/rates for the site. The results of this analysis will be
used to design engineered leachate containment structures to mitigate the flow
of leachate from the Warmhouse Beach Dump in the surface and subsurface
contaminant migration pathways. In
addition, runoff collection and diversion structures will be implemented up
gradient from the dump in order to divert the flow of runoff from the
uncontaminated slopes adjacent to the dump from entering the dump.
Scope of Services:
The project work for the Warmhouse Beach Hydrological
Engineering Project has been divided into eight tasks. The tasks that make up
the scope of services are listed below.
1 – Project Management
2 – Watershed Delineation
3 – HELP Model Analysis
4 – Contaminant Migration Pathway Analysis
5 – Summary of Technologies
6 – Engineering Solution Selection and Final Design
Task 7 -
Plans, Specs and Estimate
8 – Public Outreach/Awareness
Task 1- Project Management
purpose of the project management task is to keep all team members, the client,
and the technical advisor apprised to the current status of the project as well
as to help keep the project work on schedule. These goals will be accomplished
by conducting a series of meetings throughout the project duration. Team
meetings will be conducted regularly to inform all team members of the current
status of the project work and to discuss any questions and concerns. Client
meetings will be conducted when needed to inform the client of the project
status, request any additional information or clarification that the team may
require or to address any concerns or comments that the client may have.
Task 2 – Watershed Delineation
The team
will conduct a watershed delineation of the Warmhouse Beach site in order to
determine the total volume of expected surface and runoff infiltration. The
analysis will provide runoff estimates for the 10, 25, and 100-year storm
events as well as for an average condition. In addition, the delineation will
provide separate estimates of “uncontaminated runoff” and “contaminated runoff”
as well as a map of areas in which they occur. Uncontaminated runoff is defined
as runoff water that has not come in contact with the dump, waste materials,
contaminated sediments, or any sources of contamination from the Warmhouse
Beach Dump. Contaminated runoff is defined as runoff water that has come in
contact with any source of contamination from the Warmhouse Beach Dump.
watershed area will be determined using AutoCAD software and a USGS topographic
map of the site. The Hydrological Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP)
model will be used along with local precipitation data and slope incline
characteristics to determine the volume of expected runoff and the partition of
runoff between surface and infiltration runoff.
Task 3 – HELP Model Analysis
The team
will perform a hydrological analysis of the Warmhouse Beach Dump in order to
determine the volume and rate of leachate generation from the dump. This
analysis will be performed using the Hydrological Evaluation of Landfill
Performance (HELP) Model. This analysis will be performed on the current open
dump condition as well as for the engineered cap proposed in the Makah Dump
Closure Assessment. These two cases are outlined further below.
HELP Model Analysis of Open Dump
A HELP model analysis will be performed on the
Warmhouse Beach Dump in its current open condition. This analysis will provide
a leachate production volume/rate for the dump in its current condition. These
values will be used to size the engineered leachate collection systems to be
designed for the dump prior to closure of the landfill. In addition, the
leachate production volume/rate will be a necessary input during the design of
a leachate treatment system. The design of the treatment system is to be
completed by the Treatment Design Team.
The leachate production analysis of the open
dump condition will be conducted using the HELP model, a USGS topographic map
of the site, and local soil data. The soil data will be sourced from the United
States Department of Agriculture’s Web Soil Survey.
HELP Model Analysis of Capped Dump
A HELP model analysis will be performed on the
Warmhouse Beach Dump in its capped dump condition. This modeling will provide a
leachate production volume/rate for the engineered cap and closure plan
proposed in the Makah Dump Closure Assessment by Ridolfi
Engineering Inc. These leachate production values will be used to determine the
size of the leachate treatment system as well as any additional engineered
leachate collection systems for post closure dump conditions. In addition, the
analysis will provide a runoff volume/rate draining from the engineered cap.
These runoff quantity values will be used to determine the size of the runoff
collection and management structures to be used in the post closure conditions.
This leachate production analysis of the
capped dump condition will be conducted using the HELP model, the engineered
cap specifications provided by Ridolfi Engineering
Inc., a USGS topographic map of the site, and local soil data. The soil data
will be sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Web Soil
Task 4 - Contaminant Migration Pathway
The team
will conduct an analysis of the surface water and groundwater contaminant
migration pathways. This analysis will serve to determine the locations of the
contaminant migration pathways in order to facilitate the engineering of
leachate collection and contaminant mitigation systems.
Groundwater Migration Pathway Analysis
Analysis of the groundwater contamination
pathway will include study of the local subsurface geological stratigraphy in
order to determine the location and depth of the subsurface runoff below ground
surface. Additional analysis will be performed to determine the potential
points of entry (PPEs) of the leachate from the Warmhouse Beach Dump into the
groundwater migration pathway. This information will be used to design
subsurface hydraulic control structures.
The analysis will be performed using
preexisting stratigraphic profiles, groundwater data, and topographic site maps
provided by Ridolfi Engineering Inc. These data will
be used in conjunction with the resulting leachate production values from the
HELP model analysis of the open and capped dump conditions.
Surface Water Migration Pathway Analysis
Analysis of the surface water contamination
pathway will be performed to determine the PPEs of the leachate streams into
East and West Creeks. This information will be needed in order to engineer a
leachate collection system to mitigate the flow of leachate into the two
The analysis will be performed using
preexisting stream flow data, maps of East Creek and West Creek, and
topographic site maps provided by Ridolfi Engineering
Inc. These data will be used in conjunction with the resulting leachate
production values from the HELP model analysis of the open and capped dump
Task 5 –
Summary of Technologies
As per
client request, the team will conduct a comprehensive study of the state of the
art technologies used for mitigation of both groundwater and surface water
runoff control. These technologies include cutoff walls, slurry walls, runoff
collection channels and diversion berms. The team will discuss the feasibility
of each of these technologies to the specific requirements of the Warmhouse
Beach Site. The team will draw from these options during the engineering design
phase of the project once the hydrological analysis has been completed.
Task 6 – Engineering Solution Selection and
Final Design
The team
will select from the State of the Art Technologies Memorandum the most
desirable engineering design solution for the mitigation of the groundwater and
surface water contamination pathways for the Warmhouse Beach Dump Site. This
determination will be made using decision matrices and based on the background
research performed in Task 5. The decision matrices will consider criteria
pertinent to the selection of the best design. These criteria may include
runoff capture effectiveness, ease of construction, construction cost, total
design costs and operation and maintenance costs. The criteria will be weighted
according to the relative importance of each parameter to the final design.
These criteria include input from the client.
Once the
final design technology has been selected, the team will develop an engineering
design for mitigation of the groundwater and surface water contaminant pathways
at the Warmhouse Beach Dump Site. This design will serve as a preliminary
design and will be documented in a technical design report prior to the
termination of the project. This report will consist of preliminary design
information including the results of the HELP hydrological analysis, design
calculations and plans for the runoff and leachate control structures.
Task 7 – Plans, Specifications and Estimate
the course of the project, the team will prepare a design report detailing the
proposed engineering work and remediation plans. This report will include all
relevant deliverables from the individual project tasks. In addition, a set of
engineering plans and specifications for the final design will be provided with
the report. The final design will not include a full build design, but design
specifications that can be used in a full scale build design.
Task 8- Public Outreach/Awareness
The team
will develop a website that presents an overview of the project. This website
will include background information, current project status, a description of
the project engineering work, and graphics and photographs pertaining to the
project. Meeting agendas and minutes
will be available for review. In addition, pertinent bulletin material,
educational documents and articles will be presented on the website.
Description of
final products:
The final product of the Warmhouse Beach Hydrological Engineering Project is a conceptual design of the necessary engineered runoff control/diversion structures to successfully mitigate the transport of contamination from the Warmhouse Beach dump to the via the surface water and groundwater migration pathways. The final design will consist of the design of leachate collection and containment structures such as engineered slurry walls, cut-off walls, diversion channels, or diversion berms. Other additional designs may include uncontaminated surface and subsurface runoff collection and diversion structures which may comprise of slurry walls, cut-off walls, diversion channels, or diversion berms. The design of subsurface leachate pumping wells may be required if it is determined the subsurface leachate must be extracted for a pump and treatment scheme.
The final
design will be presented to the client, Ridolfi Inc.,
in a final design report. Accompanying this report will be a plan set detailing
the design of each of the engineered control structures as well as the
locations where they are to be implemented.