Camp Verde Bridge Design

Client name: Ron Long, P.E., (928) 567-0534,

Team Name: Birtgerb AZ Ebgubeerubg

Names of Members and Contact Information:  Dylan Brancato, Anna VanMeter, Alex Powers, Jeremy Beeson

·         Dylan Brancato:

·         Jeremy Beeson:

·         Alex Powers:

·         Anna Vanmeter:


From Left to Right: Alex Powers, Dylan Brancato, Anna VanMeter, Jeremy Beeson

Project Description

1.0           Project Understanding

1.1              Background Information

East Verde Lakes Drive is located in southeastern Camp Verde, AZ and is one of only two roadways that cross West Clear Creek to provide the residential community south of SR-260 with highway access.  Annual flooding West Clear Creek causes closures of E. Verde Lakes Dr. which pose considerable threats to the local residents.


West Clear Creek is a perennial stream with braided characteristics in the vicinity of E. Verde Lakes Dr.  Low flow periods for West Clear Creek extend from May to January, with an approximate average flow of 22 cfs.  During low flow periods, the creek flow path is only a few feet wide at the E. Verde Lakes Dr. crossing. High flow periods for West Clear Creek extend from December to April with recorded peak flows as high as 24,800 cfs.  Therefore, during high flow periods the stream width increases drastically to hundreds of feet.  Despite large increases in flow, the high water levels are not the only reason E. Verde Lakes Dr. is overtopped.












Currently, there are three 36 inch diameter culverts, two 24 inch diameter culverts, and one concrete culvert beneath E. Verde Lakes Dr.  These culverts were thought to be sufficient to pass the flow of West Clear Creek.  However, based on recorded road closure days from November 2004 through February 2005 and stream flow data from the USGS, the combined capacity of the culverts is estimated to be only 150 cfs (Mayor, 2005b).  As previously mentioned, the flow had been recorded to reach 24,800 cfs during high flow periods.  Consequently, during high flow periods the culverts are insufficient and overtopping of the road occurs. 











The overtopping that results from flows larger than 150 cfs. Inundates around 750 ft. of E. Verde Lakes Dr. The depth of water ranges from less than one foot to more than three feet.  When overtopping of E. Verde Lakes Dr. occurs, the road is closed.  On average E. Verde Lakes Dr. is closed between 15 and 20 days a year, but from November 2004 through February 2005 it was reportedly closed for 52 days (Mayor, 2005b).  Closing E. Verde Lakes Dr. forces residents to take a longer route to access SR-260 which poses a serious threat for the local residents during emergency situations.  Additionally, road closures create the possibility of isolation in the event the other route is closed as well.  Aside from road closures, the flooding has caused damage to adjacent properties and has even forced the evacuation of some residents.











For these reasons, the Public Works Director for the town of Camp Verde has requested NAE to develop a bridge design which would resolve many if not all the present issues

Description of Final Projects:

The proposed project will deliver a 60% design report that will abide by the declared stipulations of the Public Works Director for the town of Camp Verde.  These stipulations include:

-          The bridge alignment must comply with the existing alignment

-          Drilled piers will be used for the foundation

-          Prefabricated deck sections will be used

-          The road must have two 12 foot lanes with a bicycle/pedestrian walkway approximately 6 feet wide and protected by concrete barriers.

Furthermore, NAE will use cost as the dominating decision criterion.  The Camp Verde Public Works Director will identify a construction cost limit, and NAE’s 60% design will conform to this maximum value.  Acquiescence with the pre-established cost ceiling is imperative for the proposed project’s success.


2.0           Scope of Services

The following will describe the work and deliverables necessary to complete a 60% bridge design. The primary tasks are as follows:

Task 1.0:  Project Management

Task 2.0:  Site Investigation

Task 3.0:  Preliminary Engineering

Task 4.0:  Primary Design


2.1              Task 1.0:  Project Management

2.1.1        Task 1.1:  Client and Advisor Coordination

NAE will communicate with a technical advisor and the client on a biweekly basis.  This communication will be essential for NAE to complete a successful project.

Deliverable:  Meeting minutes and correspondence  


2.1.2        Task 1.2:  Team Coordination

The team leader will establish pertinent short term goals for the team.  These short term goals will represent the tasks to be complete each week by NAE.  In order to complete these tasks weekly meetings will be held to discuss and review the tasks to be completed, as well as those recently completed.  The team will also use a file management system conducive to active group participation in all project aspects while maintaining accessibility of information related to the design project.

Deliverable:  Meeting minutes and progress reports


2.2              Task 2.0:  Site Investigation

The bridge design project for Camp Verde, Arizona will incorporate all existing geotechnical, hydrological, and land survey data needed to design a bridge capable of managing the current flooding conditions.


2.2.1        Task 2.1:  Mapping and Surveying

Due to time restrictions for the project, the client has agreed to provide topographic maps of the existing East Verde Lakes Road.  Additionally, maps of the area will be acquired from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with images from the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP), or another aerial photography organization.  These maps and images will be used to generate a base map in AutoCAD which will be used to later determine cross-sections, profiles, slopes and elevations as needed.

Deliverable:  AutoCAD Base map


2.2.2        Task 2.2:  Geotechnical Information

Due to time constraints for the project, the client will provide previously prepared geotechnical reports from areas in and around the town of Camp Verde.  The supplied geotechnical reports will be reviewed to verify that boring logs and the following soil parameters are included:

-          Grain-size distribution

-          Soil classification

-          Relative density

-          Atterberg limits

-          Hydraulic conductivity

-          Steady state seepage

-          Effective stress

-          Consolidation

-          Settlement

-          Shear strength

-          Unconfined compressive strength

-          Friction angle

-          Undrained shear strength

-          Sensitivity

In the event that any of the before mentioned information is not provided, the client will be consulted.  The client will then provide additional references or recommend a design value.  Information from all the geotechnical reports will be aggregated to produce an estimation of the geotechnical properties and subsurface profile of the project site.  The inferred geotechnical properties will provide information for the development of a foundation report.

Deliverable:  Summary of geotechnical report(s)


2.2.3        Task 2.3:  Hydrological and Hydraulic Analyses

The team will conduct hydrological and hydraulic analyses of the stream using the following information: flow frequency and duration curves and topographic maps.  The team will obtain the before mentioned flow curves and topographic maps from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the USGS/FEMA, respectively.  The team will use the Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC- RAS) to model the stream at the 100-year event, which will yield the design flow and minimum height.  Due to limited resources, the team will only conduct an initial hydraulic and hydrological study and not a complete and detailed analysis.

Deliverable:  Initial hydrological and hydraulic report with design flow and height


2.2.4        Task 2.4:  Bridge Research

NAE will research ADOT Bridge Design Guidelines and an example bridge proposal will be provided to NAE by the client. Bridges on SR 260 near the proposed bridge site will also be examined for design ideas.

Deliverable: Summary of findings


2.3              Task 3:  Preliminary Engineering

2.3.1        Foundation Report

Using the geotechnical report(s) summary, the team will develop a foundation report.  The foundation report will include recommendations and limitations as to the type, size and capacity of various foundations.  The team will later use the foundation report during the primary design phase.

Deliverable: Foundation report with foundation recommendations


2.3.2        Alignment Study and Selection

The team will develop horizontal and vertical alignment alternatives that are compatible with the existing roadway.  The team will consider the following in selecting a design alignment:

-          AASHTO design standards

-          Compatibility with existing roadway; especially by keeping in mind the importance of utilizing as much of the original horizontal alignment as possible

-          Bridge span length

-          Balance of cut and fill

-          Cost

Based on the alignment selection, the team will develop a geometric design plan that will detail the horizontal and vertical alignments, and the typical cross-section.

Deliverable:  Geometric design plan with plan and profile drawings

2.3.3        Preliminary Engineering Report

The team will then prepare a summary of the activities and results of Task 1 and Task 2 including:

-          Purpose of project

-          Existing conditions

-          AutoCAD base map

-          Geotechnical considerations

-          Hydrological and hydraulic analyses

-          Foundation recommendations

-          Alignment alternatives

-          Recommended alignment alternative

-          Bridge type, size and location

The team will present the summary in a preliminary engineering report which will also include the AutoCAD base map and the plan, profile and typical cross-section drawings.  The report will be used for the primary design phase and will serve as the 30% design milestone.

Deliverable:  Preliminary engineering report


2.4              Task 4:  Primary Design

2.4.1        Roadway Design

Based on the preliminary design report NAE will produce a roadway design.  The roadway design will include a street design and drainage and storm water design.  Street Design

The street design will include alignment data, pavement thickness, curb/barrier type, and sidewalk width.  Drainage and Storm Water Design

A drainage report will be produced to outline design features necessary for storm water drainage.  Considerations will be made for abutment backfill containment and the erosion the abutment may produce on adjacent slopes and embankments.

Deliverable:  Roadway design drawings and calculations

2.4.2        Bridge Design

Based on the preliminary design report and the roadway design, NAE will develop a design.  Due to limitations, NAE will only provide designs for the slab, beams, piers and abutments.  The design will be based on the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications as amended by the ADOT.  The designs will specify type, size, dimensions, reinforcements, number, and locations.

Deliverable:  Structural item list, design calculations and drawings.


2.4.3        Cost Estimate

Based on the results of the bridge design and the roadway design, NAE will generate a cost estimate.  The cost estimate will include design quantities and costs, and total costs.  The cost estimate will be developed based on available data from similar projects.

Deliverable:  Cost estimate

2.4.4        Design Report

NAE will prepare a design report which will summarize all the previously described tasks and sub-tasks.  The report will also include all design drawings and calculations for the bridge and roadway designs.  The primary design report will serve as the 60 % design milestone.

Deliverable: Design report and cost estimate