Shelby Drive Redesign

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Located just south of State Highway 89A is a stretch of privately owned and maintained roadway, that has been poorly maintained and has deteriorated significantly over the past forty years since its original construction.  This private portion of Shelby Drive is approximately 1,500 feet in length.  It lies within the AAA Industrial Park of Sedona, which connects the public portion of Shelby Drive to Sunset Drive.  Average Daily Traffic on the road consists of 700 vehicles per day, including a mix of passenger vehicles, straight trucks and semi-trailer vehicles. With no alternate route and heavy daily traffic, the continued functionality of the roadway is necessary for business owners and public access. A design concept report and cost estimate will be developed for the City of Sedona based on 15% plans.  The report will address safe pedestrian access, drainage, traffic counts, geotechnical investigation as well as proposed sidewalks and roadway features.

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